As we all know, educators are some of the most hard-working and under-appreciated professionals out there. They are in charge of teaching our children valuable information that will stick with them well beyond their school years. It is a thankless job that often goes without recognition and it takes a truly special person to dedicate their life to educating children.

Therefore we should try our best to give our children’s educators things they actually need or items that will help them throughout the school year, including as the school year comes to a close. Here is a list of gift ideas to show your favorite teacher appreciation as the school year wraps up. 

Classroom Supplies
Oftentimes when there’s a shortage of supplies within the classroom, teachers will dip into their own pockets to get whatever is needed. Whether it is for an individual student or the class as a whole, teachers spend both time and money to make sure their classroom is stocked with the supplies needed for daily activities. 

Cleaning Supplies
Keeping a classroom tidy is no easy task. Teachers often purchase their own cleaning supplies to keep their space clean, including putting away their classrooms for the summer. Items such as disinfectant wipes, disinfectant spray, windex, dry erase board cleaning wipes, dusters and hand sanitizer are just a few products that can help keep their classroom nice and tidy. 

Gift Cards
Teachers work hard daily to prepare children for their future. It’s a challenging and sometimes frustrating task, therefore teachers deserve a break since they do so much. Ask your teacher what their favorite restaurant is or where they get their coffee from. A gift card is a thoughtful gift idea that allows them to take a much needed break at their favorite spot. 

Teacher Amazon Wish List
Almost every teacher now has an Amazon wishlist. Through their lists, you can help them purchase items such as books or classroom activities that they have specifically chosen. This wish list makes it easy to give your beloved educator something they chose for themselves.

Whether it’s volunteering for a school activity or purchasing something for them, letting your beloved educator know that you care to help in any way can show them that they are thought of and appreciated.

Still at a loss? Ask them!
I consider this to be the best idea on this list. Simply ask the teacher what it is that they need. Let them know that you would love to help with or provide something that they are in need of right now. This can show the teacher that you see how hard they work and that you would love to ease the job for them, even if it’s only for a moment.

Educators are the backbone of our society and deserve recognition for everything they do for our children. Hopefully this teacher appreciation gift list gave you some great ideas on what to give your favorite educator.